OSCB Assistant Manager

your OSCB Assistant Manager exam preparation with TestKart's free mock test series. Practice anytime, anywhere and track your progress with detailed analysis.

OSCB Assistant Manager Exam

Understanding the Exam Structure

The OSCB Assistant Manager exam evaluates candidates on various subjects, including:

Quantitative Aptitude: Assessing mathematical abilities and problem-solving skills.

Reasoning Ability: Evaluating logical reasoning and analytical thinking.

English Language: Testing grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.

General Awareness: Examining knowledge of current affairs, banking, and socio-economic developments.

Marking Scheme

Candidates should familiarize themselves with the exam's marking scheme, where marks are awarded for correct answers and deductions may apply for incorrect responses. Understanding the marking scheme helps in strategic answering and time management during the exam.


Before accessing the mock tests, candidates must ensure they meet the eligibility criteria set by the OSCB. This may include educational qualifications, age limits, and other requirements specified by the institution. Meeting eligibility criteria ensures candidates can fully utilize the resources provided and derive maximum benefit from the mock tests.

The TestKart Free Mock Test Series offers a wide range of features to enhance exam preparation:

Comprehensive Test Coverage: Access 

TestKart Free Mock Test

mock tests covering all sections and topics relevant to the OSCB Assistant Manager exam syllabus.

Realistic Exam Simulation: Experience the actual exam environment with timed mock tests and authentic question formats.

Performance Analysis: Receive instant feedback and detailed performance analysis after each mock test, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Personalized Study Plan: Tailor your study plan based on performance insights, focusing on areas that require additional practice and revision.

Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Practice mock tests at your convenience, from any device with internet access.

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